Vice President, Mike Engesser Professional Position: President, CEO and Chairman of the Board at First Farmers & Merchants National Bank
Number of years on the Board: 5
Personal Reason for being on the LACF Board: It is important to help and contribute in the communities in which we live. By doing this we make our community stronger which benefits everyone.
Value I see the LACF has in the communities we serve: The LACF makes available the opportunity to help the people of our communities fulfill their wishes and goals that enables them to leave a personal legacy that have a positive affect and remembrances on our communities. Provides tax advantaged charitable giving. Tailors donor’s charitable and financial interests into a plan. Enables donors a larger impact by pooling gifts. Help build an endowment fund that will enable the Foundation to benefit the area with sustainable grants. Local organization with roots in the Rock County area. Help build a positive impact for the community and make a lasting difference in our communities. We help improve the quality of life in our community.