2022 Grant Awards

2022 grant recipients pictured are (front row, left to right) Pat Saum, Amy Cook, Corrine Bonnema, Betty Mann, Jane Blank, Sondra Coulter, Lois Lenderts, Sheila Westfield, Stacy Schepel, (second row) Emily Crabtree, Zoe DeBates, Marie Atkinson-Smeins, Jocelyn Jacoby, Marie LaRock, Bonnie Meinerts, Linda Wenzel, Morgan Van Holland, Angela Sneller, Renee Edmundson, (back row) Ryan Johnson, Michael Blank, Lee Sells, Dan LaRock, George Bonnema, Laura Gee, Eric Sage and Heidi Sehr.
Organizations who received grants in 2022 include Sanford Health, Rock Ranch, Luverne Fire Department, City of Hardwick, Rock County Historical Society, Luverne Public Schools, Luverne Area Aquatics and Fitness, Hardwick Fire Department, P.O.P. –Power of Produce/Farmers Market, Childs Remembrance Garden, Big Buddies of Rock County, Rock County Food Shelf Building Project, Redeemed Remnants/ATLAS, City of Hills/Rez Park, Game Plan 4 Hope, Rock County Ag Society, Blue Mound Area Theatre/Palace Theatre, Rock County Sportsmans Club, Luverne Softball Association and Magnolia Fire Department.
2021 Grant Awards

Businesses and groups being awarded grants in 2021 include Sanford Health, Rock Ranch, Luverne Fire Department, City of Hardwick, Rock County Historical Society, Luverne Public Schools, Luverne Area Aquatics & Fitness, Hardwick Fire Department, P.O.P. –Power of Produce/Farmers Market, Childs Remembrance Garden, Big Buddies of Rock County, Rock County Food Shelf Building Project, Redeemed Remnants/ATLAS, City of Hills/Rez Park, Game Plan 4 Hope, Rock County Ag Society, Blue Mound Area Theatre/Palace Theatre, Rock County Sportsmans Club, Luverne Softball Association and Magnolia Fire Department. Represented those groups were (front row), Sheila Westfield, Marie LaRock, Dan LaRock, Dave VanBatavia, Tammy Johnson, Betty Mann, Phil Paquette, (second row) Emily Crabtree/LACF Exec Director, Sam Honnerman, Sheryl Remme, Joan Kindt, Missy Bass, Corrine Bonnema, Maggie Siebenhahler, Stacy Schepel, Mary Gehrke, Greg Hoogveen, (third row) Keith Elbers, Jeff Bass, Lee Sells, Shawn Kinsinger, Scott Loosbrock, Michelle DeKam and Dennis Madison.
2020 Grant Awards
In 2020 LACF handed out $78,466 in grant dollars to Rock County organizations.
The grants served 5 communities and helped 21 different nonprofit organizations
The grants served 5 communities and helped 21 different nonprofit organizations
Click here to view the 2020 Celebration of Philanthropy Video
$24,868 in Community Fund Grants
$53,598 in Community Healthcare Grants
LACF Grant and Donor Reception - 2019
Twenty-eight organizations received grants from LACF this year. Representing them are (front, from left) Caroline Thorson, Elizabeth Schear, Marie Atkinson Smeins, Carrie Soto, Lisa Dinger, Louella Voight, Janine Papik, (second row) Emily Opheim, Sheila Westfield, Emily Austin, Sarah Wrigg, Corrine Bonnema, Amy Nelson, Lorna Bryan, Scott Johnson, Ross Metzger, Lonna Heideman, Emily Crabtree, (third row) Lexi Moore, Lee Sells, George Bonnema, Jon Schomacker, Greg Antoine, Shawn Kinsinger, Joe Schomacker, (back) Kynzie Hamman, Elise Jarchow, Anita Cole-Kraty, Jessica Blocker. Not pictured are Lois Leenderts, Phil Paquette, David VanBatavia, Angela Nolz and Kelsey Maeschen.